Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
U.N. Sustaınable Development Goals
- TMA Defense Management (PhD, 2010)
- TMA Human Resource Management (Master, 2006)
- TMA Systems Enginnering (Undergraduate, 1998)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Changar, M., Şeşen, H., Ertan, S. S., Cavlan İnal, G., and Soran, S. (2025). “Perceived overqualification, prosocial service behavior, job crafting and person-group fit of the flight attendants: Testing a moderated-mediation model”, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 124, 102723, https: - 2025
- Changar, M., and Şeşen, H. (2024), “Relationship between authentic leadership, service quality, organizational commitment, and work engagement: testing a moderated mediation model”, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, Early Cite. - 2024
- Mohammad, S., Sağsan, M., and Şeşen, H. (2024), “The Impact of ‘‘Learning Organizations’’ on Innovation: The Mediating Role of ‘‘Employee Resilience’’ and Work Engagement”, SAGE Open, 14, 4, 1-14, - 2024
- Sürücü, L., Maşlakçı, A., and Şeşen, H. (2023), “Inclusive leadership and innovative work behaviors: a moderated mediation model”, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 44, 1 87-102. DOI: 10.1108/LODJ-05-2022-0227 - 2023
- Şeşen, H., and Donkor, A. A. (2023), “Job Crafting, Job Boredom and Generational Diversity: Are Millennials Different from Gen Xs?”, Sustainability, 15, 5058. Doi: 10.3390/su15065058. - 2023
- The relation between perceived organizational support and employee satisfaction: the role of relational psychological contract and reciprocity ideology - 2022
- Transformational leadership, job performance, self-efficacy, and leader support: testing a moderated mediation model - 2022
- Positive psychological capital and university students’ entrepreneurial intentions: does gender make a difference? - 2022
- Positive organizational scholarship in healthcare: The impact of employee training on performance, turnover, and stress - 2021
- A Comprehensive Study on University Students’ Perceived Employability: Comparative Effects of Personal and Contextual Factors - 2021
- On the Relation between Green Entrepreneurship Intention and Behavior - 2021
- Multiculturalism, positive psychological capital and students’ entrepreneurial intentions - 2021
- Transforming Turkish Universities to Entrepreneurial Universities for Sustainability: From Strategy to Practice - 2020
- Perceived overqualification and job crafting: the moderating role of positive psychological capital - 2020
- Entrepreneurial Behaviors in the Hospitality Industry: Human Resources Management Practices and Leader Member Exchange Role - 2019
- Multicultural Personality Traits and Employee-Perceived Service Quality in the Hospitality Industry: The Mediating Role of Cross-Cultural Psychological Capital - 2019
- The Phenomenon of Mobbing in Public Workplaces in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus: A Qualitative Study on the Role of Trade Unions - 2018
- Consequences of Self-Leadership: A Syudy on Primary School Teachers - 2017
- Leaders’ managerial assumptions and transformational leadership: the moderating role of gender - 2017
- Faculty-student perceptions about entrepreneurship in six countries - 2017
- Impact of satisfaction and commitment on teachers’ organizational citizenship - 2012
Articles published in National journals
- Uskuri, H.A., and Şeşen, H. (2023), “Does studying abroad matter? The case of entrepreneurial intention”, Education + Training, 65, 1, 1-21. Doi: 10.1108/ET-12-2021-0459. - 2023
- Mediating Effect of Corporate Reputation on The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Commitment - 2022
- Relationship between positive psychological capital and job crafting: the moderating role of perceived overqualification - 2021
- The Impact of Human Resources Management Practices on Job Stress: A study of Hospitality Services - 2020
- Adaptation of Compulsory Citizenship Behavior Scale into Turkish: The Validity and Reliability Study - 2020
- The Effect of Cultural Value Perceptions on Impression Management Tactics: A Study on Lower and Middle Level Managers - 2014
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Şeşen, H., and Gündoğdu, A. (2023), “Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Reputation and Corporate Image: Testing a Mediational Model”, International Journal of Business, 28, 1, 1-17. - 2023
- Maşlakçı, A., Sürücü, L. and Şeşen, H. (2022), “Relationship between positive psychological capital and entrepreneurial intentions of university students: the mediating role of entrepreneurial self-efficacy”, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 18, 2, - 2022
- Şeşen, H., and Ertan, Ş.S. (2022), “Does Organizational Tenure Matter? The Relationship between Perceived Overqualification and Extra-Role Behaviours", Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, (doi: 10.1007/s10672-022-09403-8) - 2022
- The Effect of the Employee Perceived Training on Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Workplace Stress - 2021
- Fear of COVID-19 and work-quality of life among nurses: The mediating role of psychological well-being - 2021
- The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Employees' Innovative Behaviour in the Hospitality Industry: The Mediating Role of Leader Member Exchange - 2021
- The role of positive psychological capital in the effect of leadership styles on organizational commitment: A study of hospitality services - 2020
- IdeaChain: a conceptual proposal for blockchain-based STI policy development - 2020
- Dataset on social capital and knowledge integration in project management - 2020
- Data on personal and contextual factors of university students on their entrepreneurial intentions in some Turkish universities - 2020
- On the Relation between Leadership and Positive Psychological Capital in the Hospitality Industry - 2019
- Expanding the boundaries of compulsory citizenship behavior: Its impact on some organizational outputs - 2017
- The Impact of Education, Economy, and Culture on Entrepreneurial Motives, Barriers, and Intentions: A Comparative Study of the United States and Turkey - 2014
- Personality or environment? A comprehensive study on the entrepreneurial intentions of university students - 2013
- The Effect of Organizational Limitations to the Decision-Making Process in the Context of Crew Resource Management: The Factors Leading Pilots to Make Bad Decisions and an Implementation - 2013
Books and books chapters published nationally
- Relational, Mediational/Moderational, and Structural Equation Modeling with SPSS, AMOS, and PROCESS Macro - 2021
- Administrative, Financial Structure and Control of Local Governments in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus - 2018
- Past and Present of the Turkish Cypriot Economy - 2017
- Current Issues in Management - 2016
- Current Approaches in Leadership and Scales That Can Be Used in Practice - 2012
- Structural Equation Modeling AMOS Applications - 2011
Thesis Supervision
Master Thesis Supervised
- The Impact of Charismatic Leadership on Innovative Behavior: The Moderating Role of Leader Member Exchange - 2023
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Performance - 2022
- The role of human resource management practices on the retention of employees - 2022
- The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Human Capital Development - 2022
Administrative Duties
- Acting Dean (2022-2023)
- Dean (2023-ONGOING)