
8th issue of Communication Studies to be published

Work is underway to publish the 8th issue of the electronic book Communication Studies which has been published since 2015 by faculty carrying out research in the field of communication.

Cyprus International University (CIU) Dean of the Faculty of Communication and the chief editor of the book Prof. Dr. Aytekin İşman stated that scholars can submit articles on Cultural Studies, Journalism, Media Criticism, Public Relations, Social Media, Digital Journalism, Political Communication, Nomophobia and Communication, Branding and New Media.

İşman also gave information about the editors of Communication Studies 2022 stating that Prof. Dr. Aydin Ziya Özgür, Prof. Dr. Yusuf Adıgüzel, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nesrin Akıncı Çötok and Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Öztunç are on the editorial board while academicians from the CIU Faculty of Communication are on the scientific board.

Prof. Dr. İşman said that the Communication Studies 2022  will be published by “Eğitim Yayınevi” which is a certified international publishing house, and added that the electronic version of the book will also be published.

Stating that those who want to get detailed information about the book or to contribute to the new issue should visit or, İşman added scholars can also send an email to  to get information about book chapters or to submit an article to the new issue.