
Aylanç: March 8 is the women’s call for gender and social justice

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mihrican Aylanç, the Director of Cyprus International University (CIU) Women and Gender Studies Center gave a speech on the occasion of March 8 International Women’s Day stating, “March 8 continues to be a day when women’s invisible labor and human rights violations are remembered. All around the world, women, both individually and as organized communities, are still in quest of equality, security and rights”

Aylanç reminded that there are important risk groups exposed to exploitation and oppression, discrimination and violence because of their gender. Aylanç added that this group is mainly formed of women and girls; and unfortunately, the chaotic situation that is the outcome of violence, wars and forced migration in the world affects mostly women and girls.

Dr.Aylanç stated that the discourse on the need to make women more active in social life is constantly becoming louder, adding  “Women are unfortunately presented as the problem itself and  also as the solution to the problems. It is again up to the women to strive to be accepted as a subject, and to gain power and control over their own lives on the basis of gender equality.”

Aylanç also said that when compared to their population, women fall short of being represented in decision making mechanisms, and that if women have equal access to all the assets, hold positions in governments and have power, the world will become a more livable place.  

Women are very effective in handling work load around the world.  Aylanç also said, “If women can use the legislative and executive  powers effectively, this will serve gender justice.”

Discriminatory gender perceptions and attitudes embedded in the culture of society make it difficult for women to advance in every field  due to social prejudices. Women’s organizations all around the world are again organizing events to help create a future where men and women will enjoy equal rights in every field. 

Aylanç, in conclusion, said the world is being dragged into a third world war which will be more destructive than the preceding two world wars. In order to live in a fair and peaceful world, the ideas, labor, common sense, conscience and compassion of women should not