
The characteristics of a leader was explained to the future teachers at CIU

A conference on the subject “Being a Leading Person” was organized by the Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences.

At the event that was organized at the CIU Çevik Uraz Center conference hall, academic staff from the Uludağ University Prof. Dr. Selahattin Turhan, took place as a speaker. During the event, the characteristics of a leader and what needs to be done to become a leader was explained to the candidate teachers.

Turhan explained that becoming a leader involves the process of an individual realizing their own potential, getting to know themselves and how to express themselves, and added that the most obvious characteristic of a leader is that they stand out during the most difficult times.

Drawing attention to the fact that individuals who can develop their imagination are closer to success in every area, Prof. Dr. Turhan reminded of the importance of having a reading habit in order to develop your imagination.

Referring to subjects such as leadership processes, mastering the conditions of leadership and the problem of the century; lack of leadership, within his speech, Turhan went on to say, “It is not sufficient for leaders to just do their jobs correctly, at the same time, it is also important that they do the right things. You will use your potential in such a way that in life, you will not make any mistakes”.

Explaining within his presentation that it is not possible for those who do not have a measure of life to lead a measured life, Turhan elaborated, "If you have measures of your life and the experiences to test it, you can reach your goal".

Pointing to the importance of having an active role in studies and within projects, Turhan concluded, “Dream about it, manage your dreams, embrace your errors, and don’t make the same mistakes”.