
CIU is the World’s 111th Most Sustainable Campus

CIU Continues its Ascension Upon the UI GreenMetric World Universities Rankings as the World’s 111th and the Only Campus to Make the World Ranking from the Island of Cyprus

Cyprus International University (CIU) achieved becoming the 111th most sustainable campus across the world and 46th in Europe, within the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings which were announced. During the 4 years in which the university has participated in the evaluation, CIU has continued its rapid increase, surpassing 3 universities from the South of Cyprus last year, taking 1st place, with this year becoming the only university in Cyprus to enter the world ranking

“We will continue in setting an example for our society via our sustainability efforts”

Evaluating the sustainability activities at CIU and the ranking established at the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, CIU Vice Rector and responsible for the Sustainable Campus Office, Prof. Dr. Serkan Abbasoğlu, highlighted that in terms of projects and the academic efforts that increasingly continue each year, and in terms of the field of sustainability, the CIU Campus has reached a point in which the island of Cyprus can be proud of. Emphasizing that within the framework of a serious policy and action plan, that a number of special projects were carried out via the contributions of both students and by staff, which continue within the framework of the vision they set in 2009; Abbasoğlu went on to say, "Our goal is to be a quality institution of education, while also setting an example for our society in terms of sustainability".

Emphasizing that they have implemented projects that are unique to our region, especially for 6 different titles within the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking, Abbasoğlu noted that during this year, as well as increasing the level of energy, water management, and transportation, areas in which development was previously observed, they have also succeeded in increasing their points particularly within the titles of education and research, and also waste management and infrastructure areas.

Drawing attention to the fact that obtaining successful results within GreenMetric evaluation is an important source of motivation, Abbasoğlu continued, “When determining our vision, our goal was not to be evaluated by any institution of evaluation, but at this point that we have reached, we have been evaluated by an international and reputable institution, and as a result of this evaluation, it is a great source of pleasure for us that we have been confirmed as the best campus upon the island of Cyprus and the region, in terms of sustainability. Additionally, the accuracy of our steps taken has been confirmed with this evaluation, thus increasing our belief in the steps we will take in the future”.

At the end of his statement, Prof. Dr. Abbasoğlu pointed out that built upon the philosophy of ‘sustainability’ are both the European Union's goal of being a carbon neutral continent by 2050, within the framework of the Green Reconciliation report published in 2021, and the 17 main headings in the future planning published by the United Nations, and expressed the importance of this process in terms of social awareness, in which CIU's local and international stakeholders and both the CIU family and different sections of the society have participated in, and thanked all of those who have contributed.