
Discussion on Human Resources Management at CIU

CIU School of Tourism and Hotel Management ensures their students are well prepared for business life

The School of Tourism and Hotel Management organized an event entitled “Human Resources Management in Tourism and Hospitality Industry.”

The event took place in the Conference Hall of  CIU Çevik Uraz Center where Jülide Erdal Üngör, senior Human Resources advisor at Institute of Behavioral Sciences, gave information about human resources management and stressed the significance of human resources for businesses to reach their goals. 

Stating that the interview technique is the most common method used in the selection of suitable candidates for the job, Üngör stated that the performance of the candidates to be recruited is evaluated not only by the answers they give but also by their body language.

Üngör said that between the "structured" and "unstructured" interview methods, the first method is more suitable for job applicants, as the questions are prepared in advance and follow a certain order which makes the candidate feel more comfortable and at ease.

Pointing out the importance of asking questions that will show how interested and willing the candidate is for the job s/he applied for, Üngör said that the candidate's answering the situational and behavioral questions by giving examples will create a positive impression.

Asking the candidates questions like, "Suppose you faced a situation like in the example given, what would you do?" or “How did you solve a problem you encountered at your previous workplace?” She noted that solution-oriented and creative answers to such questions can place the applicant one step ahead among other candidates
Üngör also added that in a job interview, it is also important to talk about why the candidate applied for the relevant position, whether s/he has sufficient desire and motivation to do the job, and the salary s/he expects to earn.  The candidate should consider the answers to these questions in advance and go to the interview fully prepared.