
Important representation from CIU Engineering students

Department of Civil Engineering students of Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Engineering participated in the 27th International, Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students (ICAMES-2023) organized by Bosphorus University. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Serkan Abbasoğlu presented certificates to the students for their efforts and contributions to ICAMES, the international engineering competition. 

CIU Faculty of Engineering Lecturer Shihab İbrahim spearheaded the group of   students who presented an innovative project titled "Flexible Green Buildings are the Future of Smart Cities" at ICAMES.  The group members were Elijah Kimpinde Kipuluka, Polydor Kasongo Kahenga and Karwan Jalal Jalil.

In the project prepared by the students, İbrahim said students worked on a basic isolation system to protect buildings in earthquake zones and noted that the use of sustainable materials in construction was encouraged, thus providing a new benchmark for "Smart Cities" concept.

A total of 20 projects from 18 countries were presented at the event. İbrahim noted that the project prepared by the CIU Faculty of Engineering students entitled "Flexible Green Buildings are the Future of Smart Cities" was highly appreciated. 
In his speech, Ibrahim stated that he was proud of the selfless work and efforts of the CIU team. Their determination and the hours they spent on this project are all beyond praise. Their skill in applying theoretical knowledge to real world problems is indicative of their potential of becoming engineers who will be the future leaders of our world. 

Pointing out that it is very important for Faculty of Engineering students to attend ICAMES and exchange ideas with students and academics from various countries of the world, İbrahim said they will continue to participate in similar events.