
The joy and excitement of starting face-to-face education can frequently be accompanied by anxiety and fear

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology Academic Staff, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Füsun Gökkaya, stated that in the face of life-threatening situations where there is uncertainty, reactions such as anxiety, fear, and panic, are healthy and increase peoples chances of survival, and also went on to state, “The pandemic has been affecting our lives for almost 2 years, and while at times it has left us face-to-face with life-threatening situations, it has mostly forced change upon us”.

Reminding that a great change has been experienced in the field of education, Gökkaya stated that education has been carried out online since March 2020 due to Covid-19 and that as the students and families have not encountered this previously, it has been an uncertain process for them.

Explaining that many students and their parents experienced inadequacy and at times helplessness during the adaptation process, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökkaya shared the following information, "Following this long hiatus, the joy and excitement of beginning a new season of education face-to-face can frequently be accompanied by anxiety and fear."

Expressing that for students who spent most of their social life at home during this period, face-to-face education will be beneficial in terms of a healthy spiritual lifestyle, Gökkaya continued, “However as well as this, the pandemic related dangers of being face-to-face will be worrying for some students”.

Advising that anxiety can lead to difficulties in concentration, refraining from going to school, and a drop in grades, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökkaya drew attention to the importance of families increasing their awareness in relation to this subject.

Noting that any students who already have complaints of anxiety should be approached more sensitively, Gökkaya stated that together with psychological support, the adaptation process to this semester will be accomplished quicker.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökkaya advised that parents should observe their children and follow them, and concluded, “It is very important that in situations of extreme anxiety, fear, and panic, an expert should be consulted, and their support obtained as soon as possible”.
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology Academic Staff, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Füsun Gökkaya, stated that in the face of life-threatening situations where there is uncertainty, reactions such as anxiety, fear, and panic, are healthy and increase peoples chances of survival, and also went on to state, “The pandemic has been affecting our lives for almost 2 years, and while at times it has left us face-to-face with life-threatening situations, it has mostly forced change upon us”.