
Register now for the Digital Game Design Program

Cyprus International University (CIU) has added a new program called "Digital Game Design" which has recently become one of the fields in high demand and  is established  under the  Faculty of Communication. 

Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Aytekin İşman noted that the Digital Game Design Program, approved by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and the Higher Education Planning, Supervision, Accreditation and Coordination Board (YODAK), will start accepting students for the new academic year.

İşman stated that all the preparations for the Department of Digital Game Design are completed, and that both the faculty and the university have made a serious investment in this new program. 

İşman stated that the Digital Game Design Program is a combination of the Department of Visual Communication Design within the Faculty of Communication, and the Department of Graphic Design of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture.

Providing information about the employment opportunities for the students who will graduate from this field, İşman said, "Our graduates will be able to work both as graphic designers in institutions related to game designs and as game designers, animators and interface designers that are in high demand in the media industry."

İşman emphasized that since the department also includes artificial intelligence, software and design courses, graduates can work as producers in radio, television, film production and advertising companies.

İşman, while advising the new incoming students, he also pointed out the importance of considering the conditions of the day and the needs of the future not only in their  choice of a university but also a department.

Stating that receiving education in departments such as digital game design which is considered among the  professions of the future, will definitely contribute positively after graduation. İşman also noted that professions like these will offer many opportunities to graduates.