
“We shall continue to disseminate knowledge”

CIU Library is continuing its traditional annual book donations 
Cyprus International University (CIU) Library Directorate has again donated books to different institutions and organizations as this has become an annual practice performed by the Library each and every year.

Özlem Araz, CIU Library director, stated that their main goal is to contribute to their own members and then share their resources throughout the country which are in line with the university's mission and vision policies; she also added that within this context, they provide books to different institutions and organizations. 

Araz pointed out the importance of using such limited resources in the most efficient way, and said "We know that we will thus contribute both to the individual needs and also to the country's economy " Araz said that they practice the library collection maintenance and weeding process before each academic year, and this helps them to sort out the same and/or  similar resources. She also added, “We accept book donations of all levels and from everyone. Then we divide the books into categories according to their level. In cases when we have an abundance of similar resources,  we contact the institutions, schools and universities that accept donations.”

Araz pointed out that  this year they donated some of the books to Iskele Konaklar Primary School and also to Işık Bookstore's “pending book” practice within the framework of these efforts; Araz said, "We have also donated some of our books to be used at “Book Sharing Boxes” established jointly in 2019 by  the Turkish Cypriot Librarians' Association and Nicosia Turkish Municipality.”

Özlem Araz explained how these “Book Sharing Boxes” like little free libraries, located in different points in Nicosia are of great importance in developing the reading habits of the locals and in gaining a lifelong literacy habit; and she noted that they, as the CIU Library Directorate, they are pleased to provide books for this invaluable contribution to the society.

Araz reminded that the books in the “Book Sharing Boxes” are on display for the perusal of the locals free of charge, and encouraged the locals to donate their own books to these “Boxes” and support this valuable work.

In her speech, Araz finally stated that they act on the notion, "Everyone has a book, the important thing is to find it" and "We will continue to disseminate knowledge."