
Waste Water Reclamation systems for real-world sustainability

Prof. Dr. Rana Kıdak from the Environmental Engineering Program of Cyprus International University (CIU) said that it is the most natural human right to have access to drinking water and sanitation water adding “It is impossible to think of a life without water. In addition to the continuous and safe supply of drinking and sanitation water, the protection of water resources is of great importance.”

Kıdak stated that fresh water resources like lakes, rivers, streams provide only 0.3% of water supplies around the world that people can use. “The World Health Organization states that people need at least 22 liters of water per day for their basic use and cleaning needs. While this amount is far exceeded in some regions, in others, it is impossible to have access to even clean drinking water.”

Professor Kıdak stated that there is an ever-increasing problem of clean water supply all over the world; March 22nd has been declared as World Water Day to highlight the importance of clean water and to advocate for the sustainable management of fresh water supplies.

Kıdak pointed out the importance of all countries to implement water policies to solve this matter, and also reminded the individuals of the responsibilities they have toward future generations.

Since all waters on the earth are interconnected, an occurrence of any kind of contamination in one region passes on to another region through the interaction in the ecosystem. Kıdak further explained this by saying, “This is the reason why all waste water should immediately be removed from the region so as not to pollute the drinking and sanitation water supplies. The waste water should be treated with the most appropriate technologies before it is reclaimed.” 

Kıdak reported that as the CIU Environmental Research Center, they have been working to transfer the results of their scientific research on environmental issues on to technology so as to be used for the benefit of the country and humanity. To this end, they have been cooperating with institutions and organizations,  and also providing consultancy services on environmental issues.

Furthermore, Kıdak noted that within the scope of the education their students received, they would be able to determine the water policies of different countries and how to implement these policies. Dr. Kıdak concluded by saying that CIU Environmental Engineering Program and the Environmental Research Center would be willing to provide the necessary support for the implementation of water policies in the country.